Flowers/Decorations may be placed in the vase or affixed to the vase assembly. Other decorations must be placed ON the permanent memorial only.
(This can be done with twine.) - The Cemetery Authorities will remove flowers or decorations not placed on the memorial as well as permanent plantings of flowers or shrubs. Digging holes and planting flowers or placing potted plants in the hole is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will be removed.
- Decorations in front of the upright markers should be confined to the width of the marker and extend in front of the marker no further than eight to ten inches. The use of river stone and other decorative stone is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will be removed. NO edging is permitted. (pre-cast border plastic fence, etc. )
- During winter months, burials will NOT be allowed if ground is frozen and/or snow is on the ground.
NO wires, stakes, or anchors of any kind are to be used to secure decorations in place. They will be removed.
Cemeteries will be cleaned and prepared for Spring and Winter each year. Any flowers/decor you wish to keep must be removed BEFORE March 15 & again BEFORE November 15. Cemetery authorities will discard all decorations not removed by these dates. New flowers may be placed beginning Palm Sunday and Thanksgiving.
- Weathered unsightly decorations will be removed whenever deemed necessary.
We reserve the right to regulate the method of decorating lots so that uniform beauty may be maintained. The use of shells, toys, metal designs, hooks, ornamental flags, hanging pots, urns, glass containers, statues, wind chimes, balloons, lawn decorations, etc. are not permitted and such articles shall be removed by the Cemetery authorities.
BLANKET SPRAYS AND WREATHS MUST BE ELEVATED. i.e.: Sprays 6″ off the ground and wreaths should be on easels. Arrangements will be removed if they are lying directly on the ground.
Only the Cemetery Staff is permitted to do reseeding, cutting, fertilizing.
~Temporary (metal) grave marker must be replaced with permanent marker within one year of burial. After one year, the temporary marker may be removed.<br>
~The Sacred Heart Cemetery Association must approve all memorial installations. <br>
If a memorial is purchased from a vendor other than Sacred Heart Cemetery Association, an application for the installation must be filed. Applications are available at the Rectory office. A fee will be charged for approval and supervision. <br>
~Only Bronze flush markers are permitted at the New Cemetery and must be placed on a pre-cast concrete foundation or granite. <br>
~Diocesan guidelines suggest a religious emblem be part of the marker.<br>
~No granite markers are permitted at the New Cemetery. The association is not responsible for cracking or damage to the existing flush granite markers. <br>
~Homeowners’ policies identify a cemetery lot as an insured location. The base and marker on that lot are personal property. Insurance companies pay for direct physical loss to property insured under Personal Property Coverage.