Eucharistic Ministers
Each week at Mass, Eucharistic Ministers help the priest distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. This ministry is a very visible part of the worship celebration, so we look for volunteers who maintain a reverent but approachable disposition, who celebrate and include others, and who enjoy participating more fully in the Mass.
If this is something that might interest you, we invite you to become a member of our ministry.
- Time Commitment: As your schedule allows.
- Responsibilities: Distributing the Body or Blood of Christ to parishioners, cleaning the Communion vessels (chalice or ciborium).
- Training: Training is provided upon joining as well as held periodically throughout the year.
Extraordinary Ministers to Homebound & Nursing Home: These Ministers take the Eucharist to the homebound (the elderly, infirm and handicapped) on
the First Friday of the month for those who cannot be with us for Sunday Mass. These Ministers
must be approved by the Bishop.
Extraordinary Ministers visit Mahoning Nursing Home residents the 2nd Sunday of the Month.
Training is required and provided.